Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Who Watches the Watchmen?

I had the sudden urge to watch Watchmen but since that I have not been able to stop watching it, it's such a captivating film! The first time I saw this a couple of years ago, I read the graphic novel at around the same time and was totally amazed by how well adapted it was from book to film - given that comic adaptations can be a total failure. I had been told previously that the film was nothing like the comic, this was all lies. The film is as true to the comic as you could possibly get in an adaptation, half of the script is literally from the comic - and that's just wonderful as you can bounce of both remembering reading it - remembering seeing it.

The initial fight scene between The Comedian and the mystery murderer is beautifully choreographed and the soundtrack dissonance of "Unforgettable" set to this scene really awakens my deeply repressed inner drama student. I feel like I could talk for days about how visually pleasing this film is, and how I really love Dr. Manhattan's shade of blue. I just want to keep watching it - picking up on new small details each time.

I watched some really interesting special features talking about the science behind Watchmen
My current love affair with Watchmen reminded me of one of my favourite artists from when I was 11-13 Alex Pardee!

I found a really nice blue tissue paper so I drew a Dr Manhattan to soothe my Watchmen needs. 

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